Artist of color are highly under-represented in museum collections. When we discuss American art, how can we provide the full narrative without including all voices?
Join our curator of education, Laura McManus, on a virtual tour of works in the Maier collection by African American artists and learn how art museums are responding to Black Lives Matter. An art challenge using common household materials is included.
Open to high school students, free of charge.
This workshop is virtual via Zoom. A link will be emailed prior to the workshop.
Workshop details and registration (required) at
Also, join us virtually for…
Saturday, November 7, 2020 | 10 am – 11 am
How do Contemporary Photographers Depict the Anthropocene?
Many experts characterize the Anthropocene, the current period in the earths’ history, as a time when human activity has been the dominant influence on the Earth’s climate and environment. Examine the art of three contemporary photographers from the Maier’s fall exhibition, Time & Place: Water, Sky, Land. Curator of education, Laura McManus, will present Terry Evan’s large-scale photomontages of the American Plains, Mark Klett’s “rephotographs” of American Southwest deserts and James Balog’s time-lapse photographs and videos. An art challenge is included.
Register using the “Register Now” button above.
Laura McManus
Curator of Education
(434) 947-8136, ext. 5