we are more
than those things
our teeth are example
there is no sabre, no tusk
no row of razors
or score of mill-stones
shut your mouth
and you can cut or mash
nibble or grind
you tear off fat chunks
you pulp fine pâté
and they are ordered
they allow for words
for kissing
for the tasting of love
Luigi Coppola (sites.google.com/view/luigicoppolapoetry) teaches and writes in London, England. Shortlisted for the Bridport Prize twice, he appeared in the Worple Press anthology ‘The Tree Line’ and publications include Acumen, The Frogmore Papers, The High Window, Ink, Sweat and Tears, Iota, Magma, Orbis, Neon, Rattle, The Rialto, THE SHOp and Snakeskin.